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·Yuhuatai Scenic Area: democratic revolution sacred of China  ·Yuanmou Soil Forest  ·Stepping into Wuyuan, felling elegant spring field  ·Xinmi City Scenery  ·Modern Chinese Literature: a literary exhibition hall without walls  ·World Natural and Cultural Heritage Huangshan Scenery  ·Niulunbao  ·underground river of Lianzhou  ·Lhasa City Scenery, Tibet  ·Shenzhen: a pioneering city that is a vanguard of China’s reform and opening up  ·The paleo house of Xuzhou: Zheng Courtyard  ·Peking University: China's first national comprehensive university  ·Beating between light and shadow of the wizard: Chinese Shadow Art  ·People Photo Gallery  ·South Korea capital Seoul: Asian charm capital  
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